public policy


NPMA serves as the authority in advancing smart national policy to promote our industry while defending pest management professionals from unworkable and excessively burdensome regulation and legislation. Additionally, NPMA works in unison with industry leaders and state pest management partners to coordinate state and local policy efforts, allowing us the ability to maximize resources and expertise to effectively influence issues.

To remain proactive and meet future policy challenges we think will impact our industry, the NPMA policy team will craft a strategic plan to be shared with the Public Policy Committee and NPMA Board. Elements of this plan include a heightened focus on non pest specific issues that impact business, such as wage and hour, OSHA, taxes and health coverage, while remaining vigilant on issues like state pesticide bans, pesticide preemption and protecting the ability of members to utilize a broad range of available products and technology to control and eliminate pests at both the state and federal level.

Additionally, staff will work to renew existing industry partnerships, build new and valuable relationships and expand NPMA policy engagement programs like the State Policy Affairs Representative initiative.